Contacts & Common Questions
Quick Guide: Who to Contact
SHIP enrollment or waiver status:
- HUB International: 888-777-9980 or
- CMU Student Health Insurance: 412-268-2157 option 3 or
Questions about SHIP coverage (medical procedures, medication, etc.):
- SHIP Plan Documents
- Call the Highmark number on the back of your insurance card or email UHS.
Insurance charges on your student account: CMU Student Health Insurance: 412-268-2157 option 3 or
To update your name, gender, birthdate or mailing address with Highmark: Email HUB International.
Frequently Asked Questions
Have questions about a medical bill you received?
Depending on the treatment you received, you may have a co-pay or an amount not covered by your insurance plan. The bill from the medical provider will show the charges for the treatment, what your insurance plan has paid and what you may owe. If you have questions about the amount owed, the first step is to consult your Explanation of Benefits (EOB), which you can find in the claims sections of your Highmark portal. The EOB will describe what your insurance plan paid to the provider on your behalf.
If the bill does not show that insurance was applied to your bill, please contact the medical provider directly and give them your insurance information.
If you have questions about what was covered by your insurance, you can call the member services phone number on your insurance card.
- For questions about medical bills or charges:
- From an off-campus health care provider, contact the provider directly.
- From University Health Services, call 412-268-2157 option 2 or email the UHS team.
- For itemized statements from UHS, log into HealthConnect and select statements/receipts from the menu.
Student Health Insurance Requirement
Does my insurance enrollment or waiver carry over each year or do I need to re-apply?
Enrollments and waivers do not carry over from one year to the next; completing Open Enrollment is an annual requirement. Students must enroll in or waive the CMU SHIP every academic year that they are enrolled at the university.
There is a charge for insurance on my student account, but I did not enroll in the CMU SHIP.
At the start of each academic year, all students enrolled in degree-seeking programs are assessed a default fee for the CMU Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP). This is a placeholder fee until Open Enrollment is completed. Open Enrollment is the annual period in which students must either enroll in or apply to waive the CMU SHIP.
If you do not complete Open Enrollment, you will be auto-enrolled in the CMU SHIP and the insurance fee will remain on your student account.
If you receive an approved waiver, the insurance fee will be credited back to your student account.
Please note that invoices do not update, as they are statements that reflect a point in time. Please check the Account Activity section in SIO for up-to-date charges and credits.
Student account or invoice questions should be directed to Student Financial Services.
I paid the insurance fee in my student account. Am I enrolled in the SHIP?
No, paying the student insurance fee does not complete your insurance enrollment. In order to enroll during Open Enrollment, students must:
- Log into SIO, go to Campus Life, then Health Insurance.
- Click any of the Highmark links to access the insurance portal.
- Follow the instructions to enroll.
- Click CONFIRM to submit your enrollment.
CMU Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP)
I need my insurance ID card. Where can I find my insurance information?
Insurance ID cards should arrive 2-3 weeks after your enrollment has been processed. If your card did not arrive:
- Check the mailing address attached to your insurance enrollment. If it has changed or was incomplete, you will need to update it. You can update your address through the insurance portal in SIO or email your new, complete address (street address, apartment or SMC, city, state and zip code) to HUB International.
- Check your insurance portal in SIO for your insurance member ID number. Use your member ID to register an account at There, you can access a digital insurance card and order new cards.
If you are still having difficulty, contact HUB International at 888-777-9980 or
I do not have a U.S. mailing address yet. Can I enroll in the SHIP?
A U.S. mailing address is required to enroll in the CMU SHIP. Enrollments submitted with a non-U.S. address or an incomplete address will not be processed.
International students enrolling in the CMU SHIP should wait until they have secured a U.S. mailing address where they can receive mail before submitting an enrollment. Waiting until later in the Open Enrollment period to enroll in the SHIP will not affect the coverage dates. SHIP coverage begins on August 1 each academic year, even if you do not submit your enrollment until the end of the open enrollment period.
If I am graduating in December, can I enroll in the SHIP for August - December only? Can I enroll only for the months I am on campus?
The CMU SHIP is a full year plan with a coverage period of August 1 - July 31 each academic year. Students entering CMU in the Fall are enrolled and charged for the full coverage year.
Students graduating in December can request to cancel the SHIP at that time; it does not cancel automatically. Students with an approved cancellation will receive a prorated refund of the remaining months' premiums on the medical, dental and/or vision plans (with adjustment for any PhD student insurance support, if applicable). SHIP cancellations are effective from the first of the month following the month in which the cancellation form is received. Cancellations are not permitted after March 31.
If you are graduating in December and would like to cancel your insurance plan, please email for assistance.
I am a PhD student graduating in August. Can I enroll in the SHIP for only the month of August?
Yes. Students graduating in August are eligible to enroll in the medical SHIP for the month of August only. August-only enrollments are only available for the student medical plan; dental and vision plans are not available.
August-only enrollments can be completed by emailing for assistance.
Outside of Open Enrollment, can I enroll in the medical, dental or vision plans? What if I want to add or remove someone from my plan?
You can only enroll outside of your Open Enrollment period if you have had a qualifying event (for example, involuntary loss of insurance, including due to turning age 26). This applies to the student medical, dental and vision plans; you cannot add the dental or vision plan outside of Open Enrollment without a qualifying event.
If you are enrolled in a plan, you can also add dependents who have had a qualifying event (for example, birth/adoption of a child or arrival to the U.S. for the first time during the coverage year).
For qualifying event enrollments into the medical, dental or vision plans, you have 90 days from the event to enroll and will need to provide supporting documentation .
Removing Dependents:
Dependents can be removed from your insurance plan at any time before March 31 of the coverage year.
To make any of these changes, please email for assistance.
How do I find in-network health care providers? What if I need to see a doctor or fill a prescription while I am away from campus?
The CMU SHIP is a national plan, with participating in-network providers in every state. Search for medical care, dental care, vision care and pharmacies in your desired location in the Highmark portal.
For Medical Care:
- Log in/register (you can do this using your member ID card).
- Select Find Doctors and Rx.
- Select Find a Doctor or Hospital / Find a Vision Care Provider / Find a Dentist.
- For medical services, enter BCBS PPO under the Network Tab.
- Enter location.
- Select the category of care.
Always be sure to confirm directly with the health care provider or facility that they are a participating provider in the CMU SHIP.
For Prescriptions:
- Log in/register (you can do this using your member ID card).
- Select Find Doctors and Rx.
- Go to Find a Pharmacy and select National Plus Network Pharmacy.
If you are living or traveling abroad, the CMU SHIP medical plan also provides members with a global network of healthcare providers through BCBS Global Core, along with 24 hour emergency medical and travel assistance through the AXA Travel Assistance Program.
Why did Highmark send me a letter asking for my Social Security or Tax ID number?
CMU is not using Social Security Numbers for student insurance enrollment, but Highmark is required by law to send letters on an annual basis to members requesting their Social Security/Tax Identification Number. Members who do not provide this information will not be penalized, nor are they required to provide the information. Students may disregard the letter.
Can I extend the SHIP after graduating in May?
After graduating in May, students are no longer eligible to enroll in or extend the SHIP. The SHIP coverage ends on July 31 of each academic year.
COBRA is offered with employer-based plans; there is no COBRA option for the student insurance plan.
Students graduating in August are eligible to enroll in the SHIP for the month of August only. August-only enrollments can be completed by emailing for assistance.I no longer want my student insurance plan/s. Can I cancel the SHIP?
Cancellations are only available under the following circumstances:
December Graduation (or September certification for doctoral students graduating in December)
Formal separation from CMU (i.e. leave of absence, withdrawal, suspension, forfeit)
Fall semester foreign exchange students returning to their university after the fall semester
Enrollment in Medicaid in the state in which you are studying (e.g., a Pittsburgh campus student approved for enrollment into PA Medicaid). Enrollment is based on eligibility and the application process can be lengthy. Students must also have applied for Medicaid before or during their open enrollment period. Locate PA state information.
The option to join a new plan does not make a student eligible to cancel their current insurance enrollment.
If you meet this criterion, email UHS when your university enrollment status has been updated to reflect one of the statuses listed above (or when you wish to remove a dependent or have been approved for Medicaid) and we can assist you. You may be eligible to receive a pro-rated refund for the remaining months' premiums. The final deadline to submit a cancellation request form is March 31 and the insurance plan cannot be canceled after April 1 (May, June and July cancellations are not permitted).