Carnegie Mellon University
Integrated Innovation Institute

Engineering + Design + Business

Carnegie Mellon University Integrated Innovation Institute Logo

IPD sponsors talk to students

January 16, 2020

Partners in Innovation: Announcing 2020 IPD Sponsors

By Elizabeth Donaldson

Each year, students from the Master of Integrated Innovation for Products and Services put their interdisciplinary collaboration skills into practice during the Integrated Product Development (IPD) capstone. Working with their engineering, design, and business classmates, student teams partner with leaders across various industries to solve complex problems and deliver new opportunities. Some projects evolve into new company processes, products, or patents, but project is an opportunity for students to apply practical innovation methodology. 

This year, students will be working with the following sponsors:

  • Highmark
  • Volvo
  • Giant Eagle
  • Forward Cities
  • Honda
  • Duracell
  • Emirates

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